Current position
CNRS research scientist (chargé de recherche CNRS) at the LEM3 laboratory in Metz, France, affiliated to the Université de Lorraine.
Research experiences
since 2020 | CNRS research scientist (chargé de recherche CNRS) Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Arts & Métiers, LEM3, Metz, France Atomistic simulation of lighweight materials mechanics, Plasiticity and Discrete to Continuum Crossover. |
2018 – 2019 | Research Group Leader – atomistic simulation group Institute of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Physics (IMM) – Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Korte-Kerzel RWTH Aachen University, Germany Topics: Plasticity in Complex intermetallics, Slip transfer at interfaces, Magnesium alloy, Mechanics of nano-objects, Focused ion beam irradiation damage. |
2014 – 2017 |
PostDoc in Materials Science institut 1 for General Materials Properties – Prof. Dr. M. Göken, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bitzek Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Topics: Anisotropic Glasses, Mechanics of nano-objects, Irradiation Induced Damage by Focused Ion Beam, Fracture in Metals, Dislocation-Interface Interactions in Metals and Superalloys. |
2013 – |
PostDoc in Materials Science Institut 8 of Materials Simulation – Prof. Dr. M. Zaiser and Dr. K. E. Aifantis Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Topic: Dislocation-Grain Boundary Interactions in Metals |
2013 – | Teaching and research Assistant Pprime Institute, University of Poitiers – CNRS – ISAE-ENSMA, France Topic: Dislocations-Grain boundaries interaction |
2019 – 2012 |
Ph.D. in Materials Science Pprime Institute, University of Poitiers – CNRS – ISAE-ENSMA, France Subject: Atomistic simulations of the mechanical properties of the silicon nanowires Supervisors: Prof. S. Brochard and Dr. J. Godet |
List of publications.
List of communications.
Unique identifier: Scopus (36570318300), ORCID (0000-0002-3288-8951) and ResearcherID (B-5932-2016).
2024 – now | Elected member of the LEM3 laboratory council. |
2024 – now | Co-leader of the research axis Micro and nano-mechanics, self-organization, plasticity and interfaces (MAPLI) of the Department 2 of the LEM3 laboratory. Composed of approximately 30 members, including 13 permanent staff. |
2022 – now | Co-leader of the WG2 Experimental and simulation challenges of the European Network for the Mechanics of Matter at the Nano-Scale (MecaNano) funded by the COST European program. |
2021 – now |
Elected member of the The National Committee for Scientific Research (CoNRS), section 09 "Solid mechanics. Materials and structurals. Biomechanics. Acoustics." |
2021 – now |
Secretary of the Lorraine local section of the Société Française de Physique (SFP) 2021. |
Outstanding Reviewer for Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia (2023) [certificate].
- Jean Morlet prize 2022, awarded by the SF2M and supported by Aperam [news] [medal] [Article from "Factuel" 🇫🇷].
- Outstanding Reviewer for Acta Materialia (2016).
- Outstanding Reviewer for Materials & Design (2016).
- Best poster: Dislocation-precipitate interactions in superalloys at the ICM12 in Karlsruhe (2015), as co-author.
Reviewer for international peer-reviewed journals [non-exhaustive list on Publons]:
- Elsevier: Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Materialia, Materials & Design, Applied Surface Science, Computational Materials Science, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys.
- NPG: Nature Communications.
- Taylor & Francis: Journal of Applied Statistics, Philosophical Magazine Letters.
- Springer: JOM, Journal of Materials Science.
- MDPI: Metals, Crystals, Micromachines. (Not reviewing for MDPI since 2022 as an answer to their editorial behavior)
Scientific Societies:
- Member of the Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux (SF2M), since 2020.
- Secretary of the Lorraine local section of the Société Française de Physique (SFP), since 2021.
- Member of the Société Française de Physique (SFP), since 2010.
Former member of:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM) 2018-2021.
- Member of the European Physical Society (EPS) 2017-2022.
- Member of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) 2014-2024.
2021 – | Lectures on Statics as Adjunct Lecturer, approx. 30h at the fall semester. Lectures on Statics: forces equilibrium, free body diagram, distributed forces and frictions. School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech-Lorraine, Metz, France. |
2018-2019 – | Lectures on Plasticity and atomistic simulations as Group leader, approx. 20h per semester. Lectures on Plasticity and atomistic simulations; Practical work on atomistic simulations and finite element modelling. RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. |
2014-2017 – | Lectures on atomistic simulations as Postdoctoral researcher, approx. 80h over four years. Lectures on atomistic simulations; Practical work; Practicum & PhD students supervising. Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg – Elite Master's Programme MAP., Erlangen, Germany. |
2013 – | Teaching and research Assistant (ATER), 6 months, full time (96h). Practical work (TP) on optics; Supervised work (TD) on electromagnetic; Praktikum supervising. University of Poitiers – Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT), Poitiers, France. |
Education & diploma
2012 – | Doctoral degree in Material Physics, Pprime Institute, Department of Physics and Mechanics of Materials, University of Poitiers – CNRS – ISAE-ENSMA, France |
2011 – | School on parallel programming with Fortran/MPI, Organized by IDRIS, Poitiers, France |
2010 – | Training on the presentation of a scientific paper, Organized by the University of Poitiers, France |
2010 – | Summer school on the mechanics of Nano-Objects, Organized by CNRS, Autran, France |
2009 – | Master's degree in Sciences & Technologies, Specialty « Physics, Materials », University of Poitiers, France |
2006 – | Bachelor's degree in Sciences & Technologies, Specialty « Physics & Chemistry », University of Poitiers, France |
Dissemination activities & former responsibilities
2015 – | “Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften”, scientific dissemination by the laboratories and the companies of the city of Nürnberg and Erlangen, Germany |
2013 – | “Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften”, scientific dissemination by the laboratories and the companies of the city of Nürnberg and Erlangen, Germany |
2010-2012 – |
Elected member at the Laboratory Council of the Pprime Institute, Poitiers, France |
2011 – | “Fête de la science”, national event on Science dissemination, Poitiers, France |
2011 – | Contributor at a round table on the nanosciences and nanotechnologies, Annual Lions Club convention, Poitiers, France |
2010-2011 – | President of an association of graduate students (Master and PhD), the AESM, University of Poitiers, France |
2010 – | Member of scientific committee at the exhibition "Secrets of the nano-world", Poitiers, France |
2010 – | Participation in “Fête de la science”, french national event on Science dissemination, Poitiers, France |
2008 – | Scientific guide for the Exhibition "Physique and colors", Poitiers, France |