I am glad to welcome Houssam KHAROUJI in my group as PhD student. He will work on the atomic-scale discrete characterization of plasticity at interfaces in lightweight complex alloys and transfer to continuum models under the supervision of Vincent TAUPIN and myself. We are very gratefull to the support of the LabEx DAMAS and the Région Grand-Est.
I am honored to have been elected as a member of the section 9 of the French Comity for Scientific Research (Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique, CoNRS) for the periode 2021-2024. With my colleagues of the section (Scientific domains of the section 9: Solid mechanics. Materials and structurals. Biomechanics. Acoustics.), we will contribute to the scientific organisation and evaluation of the scientists and laboratories of the CNRS.
The identification of defects in crystal structures is crucial for the analysis of atomistic simulations. In our new work, we propose a novel approach, combining modified CNA and centro-symetry parameter evaluation, able to identifiy Laves phases and related defects. This Invited Feature Paper Laves phase crystal analysis (LaCA): Atomistic identification of lattice defects in C14 and C15 topologically close-packed phases is now published in the Journal of Materials Research (open-access). I am proud to have contributed to this work from Dr. Zhuocheng (Ray) Xie in collaboration with RWTH Aachen and FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Our new article Exploring the transfer of plasticity across Laves phase interfaces in a dual phase magnesium alloy is now published in Materials & Design (open access). It is the fruit of a collaboration with the IMM from the RWTH Aachen University within the framework of the german Collaborative Research Consortium (CRC) 1394 on Structural and Chemical Atomic Complexity.
This combined experimental & numerical work explores and evidences the transfer of plasticity from a Mg matrix toward a Laves phase strengthening network. It demonstrate that plastic co-deformation Laves phase is achievable and open the road for future detailed investigations on the plasticity mechanisms at such complex interfaces.
After the pandemic we all faced in 2020, all around the globe, I wish you a healthy, peaceful and scientifically fruitful new year 2021!
- New article on Frank dislocation in MAX phases published in Scripta Materialia
- Crystals special issue "Atomistic Simulations for Exploring the Mechanics of Crystalline Materials"
- New article as a co-author on indentation induced prismatic loop published in Nature Communications
- New article on the FIRE minimizer in LAMMPS published in Computational Materials Science